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🏎️ Cars fascinate young and old alike. From the roar of engines to sparkling bodywork and motor sports, it's hard to remain indifferent to this world of oil changes and mechanical parts.
🚗 This collection of race car comforters offers a selection of racing cars, Formula 1, dragsters and luxury cars. The children will have the opportunity to sleep in a room in the colors of their passion.
Your race car bedding is a top quality manufacture. Indeed, its seams are reinforced to guarantee its solidity. Its texture is made of high density polyester, microfiber type. The choice of this material allows your printed comforter cover, even reversible, to keep its colors and patterns intact. It is also what gives it its softness and makes it easy to clean. As a reminder, there is no need to iron it. All our bed linen sets, with or without flat sheets, have the same characteristics and will easily match any plain fitted sheet.
If the car is now a commonplace object in everyday life, its invention has shaken up life and the economy of the whole world! The invention of the first motor vehicle is attributed to a Frenchman (just like the invention of aviation!) : Joseph Cugnot in 1769. Initially equipped with a simple steam engine, this motorized machine will pretend to replace the use of horses in daily life.
Unpractical and cumbersome because of the enormous steam boiler, it was not until more than 100 years later that the first model of petrol car appeared in 1883, in the hands of a French engineer.
The history of the automobile is intimately linked to that of the industrial revolution. Indeed, vehicles were then built by hand by a whole team of mechanics. This greatly limited the production capacity and implied consequent labor costs. In 1900, Henry Ford produced his most mythical model: the Ford T. At the same time, he developed the notion of an assembly line to make his car faster and cheaper: a real revolution for factory work ! This revolution also led to the democratization of individual automobile transport, allowing us to own our own motorized vehicle.